I finally did it! I took the plunge I never thought I would and I got on FaceBook. I don't know why but something still seems slight wrong with it. I'm sure it will be fine. I mostly did it so that I could be in contact with cousins, sisters-in-laws, niece & nephews, aunts & uncles who live afar. I was the only one in my family not on FB and email apparently isn't as popular as it once was. So there it is. I made a liar out of myself. I can no longer avoid certain conversations with "Oh, I don't have FB..." like I once could. Such is life. Now my excuse will be "Oh, I have FB, but I don't know how to use it" and that is no lie. :)
PS - My friend, the scale, told me this morning that I've lost 10 lbs!! Surely it got to be all the running. I ran a half of a 5K yesterday during "training". A half of a 5K sounds so much cooler than a mile and a half, don't you think?
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