Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Great Strides

As I have talked about a little bit before, my co-worker and good friend has a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis. On April 28 I will be participating in a walk in Manhattan to help benefit the CF Foundation to find a cure. You can visit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to learn more about this disease. (There is a button on the right side of my blog if you'd like to donate and sponsor me.)

When Megan was little and was first diagnosed with CF her life expectancy was around age 16. She was taken to Disney World by the Make-A-Wish Foundation when she was young because they just didn't think she would make it to 16. She made it to 16 and now 20. Her life expectancy keeps climbing as more and more research is done and more treatments become available.

In working with Melody I have seen the toll this disease can take on a family and a how hard it can be at times for Megan to deal. She is one tough cookie and she fights every day. I would encourage you to read up on it, pray about it and if you feel led, please donate to this wonderful cause and know that every dollar really does help extend the life of those who need it.

On a personal note - I have accepted a personal challenge that I set for myself a few weeks ago. I am reading a book by Candace Cameron Bure (yes, DJ Tanner) called Reshaping It All and it has motivated me to start taking much better care of what God gave me. So, my challenge to myself is to participate in a 5K in June. I thought that a 5K was like 2 or 2.5 miles. I found out yesterday it's 3.1 miles. I was swallowing 2 miles but I about choked on 3.1!! BUT, my sister, who loves to run, showed me a Couch to 5K schedule on pintrest. It almost seems too easy to be effective, but we'll try it out anyway. As of two weeks ago yesterday I have lost 7 lbs by following some simple things that almost seem silly they are so easy. The main thing for me is only eating when I'm hungry. I struggle with this still, but I'm getting much better. I don't have to finish all the food on my plate just because it's there - I can stop when I'm satisfied - not full, but satisfied. If I'm hungry 2 hours later, I can have a little more. Another key to this that I am convinced has helped me is that I have turned to God for help this time. Instead of trying to do this all on my own, I have prayed constantly for God to help me recognized my hunger and when I should be done. I have been able to walk away from things and turn things down like I never have before. I'm not sure, but I think this is that willpower that everyone keeps talking about. I don't know because I'm fairly certain I've never had that before.

So I'm feeling pretty good about my own Great Strides right now and I hope to continue on the right path. :)