Before Christmas I became enthralled with sewing. I stole my mother's table and I set up my sewing machine in my bedroom in a semi-permanent status. My mother would very much like to have her table back so I'm working on something else to house my machine. I have a goal to make a blanket for Gemma for her first birthday in mid-February, but time is quickly passing. It may be Easter.
Anyway, I wanted to share with you just a couple of the projects I made that I had a lot of fun doing.
For my mom and my friend, Laura, I made journal covers. I used this pattern from (I've really like this website - they have a lot of easy-ish beginner patterns.)
I really had fun making these gifts. Carter's blanket didn't take as long as I thought. I don't have a quilting machine, so I tied it. I've been researching 'free-motion' quilting (watching YouTube videos) and I think I could do it. I need to practice and I need to figure out the settings on my machine.
I think I decided to make this one for Gemma. This one wouldn't require any 'quilting'.

It says the approximate crafting time is 8 hours. For me that might be doubled, and when you can't sit for 16 hours and do it start to finish, it's hard to tell... Hopefully, but her birthday. Now I just need to go fabric shopping. I've been hearing a lot of good things about shopping online for fabric. I may just give that whirl...
Long term goal is to make a queen sized quilt for mine & Jeremy's bed. I think I might even have a pattern picked out. Need to narrow down colors. Our walls our white(ish) and we don't have a set color scheme in our room. I figure I might want to paint a wall or two and I should do that first.
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