Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Owen

Hi, O. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope that you are enjoying your day. Do you feel old being 3? I remember being at the hospital when you were born. I remember mostly because I wanted to have my baby too, while we were there, but I had to wait another few weeks. I remember that your mom ruined her entire bag of clothes all for the sake of a can of mousse, or some hair product... I remember you being exactly three weeks old (it was a Monday) when Carter was born. Your whole family came to visit us in the hospital.

You & Carter have been pretty close buddies for these last few years and I hope that you stay that way. I bet that you have big plans for your third year in life. I can't wait to see what develops!

I just wanted you to know that Uncle Jeremy, Carter & I love you very much. Also, no matter what you say, no matter how many times you tell me that you're Grandma Donna's boy, I know that I'm your favorite!! Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow at your party!!

Love You,
Aunt Katie