Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chapter 3

I actually got to read Chapter 3 yesterday - Tiff had to take the twins to the dr. so I got to pick up Carter at 1:00, just in time to nap when we got home.

Chapter 3 is about being a companion to your husband. Melanie described different definitions of 'companion' and talked about how we need to be able to spend time together, doing anything - chores, fun stuff, not fun stuff, whatever - just spend time together. She also talked about little things we do to 'help' can make our husbands feel more loved. We need to be best friends with our spouses and don't let the dating scene go completely by the wayside. She made it clear that it is important that if possible we need to make time (weekly, monthly, whatever) to spend just the two of you. Go out, or stay at home - laugh and have fun.


Melanie said...

Check out my blog - you're the winner - and this was a completely random and God thing. The way I picked the winner was to ask my sons for a number - they chose number 4 - and then I choose that number of comment.

So email me and I'll get info to you about the conference call.