Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let the Planning Begin

Unfortunately, it's not my news I'm bringing you, but it is very exciting news, nonetheless.  My cousin, Jill, got engaged this weekend!  Yea!!!  We've all been waiting for this to happen, as our entire family loves Larry to pieces.  Their fairytale is one of romance with a few surprises thrown in the mix.  A little background (I hope I get this shortened version right):  One of their first dates as at the KC zoo.  After that date, Jill had written a little "Once upon a time..." story, to be continued.  On April 18, 2009, Larry took Jill back to the zoo and unbeknownst to her, "continued" her original "Once upon a time" with an incredibly sweet "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"!  Jill, obviously, said yes.  A true fairytale story that will end with "and they will live Happily Ever After!"  
Congratulations, Larry & Jill!  We wish you all the best and we're looking forward to sharing your "Big Day" with you!!