Friday, October 3, 2008

Surprise Weekend!

I realize this is a week late, but entertaining nonetheless...  Last Thursday was Jeremy's  and mine 4 year anniversary.  However, his boss had planned a weekend trip for "the guys" to go to Osage Beach.  All week Jeremy kept talking about his "guy" trip to the Ozarks.  And of course, I kept asking "Who all is going?"  His response was a constant - "It's just a guy trip..."  So, as the week goes on and I'm getting more & more frustrated about this "guy trip", I get a call on Friday from Jeremy's boss.  He said that the plans had changed, they were leaving earlier than expected because the boat needed to be worked on a little bit, and he asked me if I could drive to Manhattan to meet them with their bags...  Yep - I'm FUMING!!   3:30 rolls around (I get off work at 4:00) and I get yet another phone call from "the guys"... this time its to tell me that SURPRISE!!! I'm going too!  We're leaving in 2 hours!  I was excited, surprised, and I hate to say it, still angry, all at the same time.  Now, I have 2 hours to pack 3 people (Carter stayed at casa de Geiger Grandma & Grandpa for the weekend) and get ready to be gone for 3 days!  I don't operate well like that - I need to plan for trips.  Long story short - I wasn't angry very long and I had the BEST time at Osage Beach at the Lake of the Ozarks.  The weather could not have been any more beautiful!  I wish I had taken my camera to share pictures, but it was one of many things I forgot to pack!