My birthday. Yes, today is my birthday. The fifth grade class came in to tell me Happy Birthday today - it was cute. They were all guessing my age. The guesses ranged from 27 (thanks!!) to 144. Funny. Let's just say I'm somewhere in the middle. ;)
My good friend Laura put on a Birthday Extravaganza for me over the last several days. Wednesday night last week they had us all over for dinner and she made a presentation of my birthday gifts.
First up were my new shears. Laura's husband Mike was more excited about these than she was. He had to set up the ground rules - Jeremy was not allowed to use them to cut wire or tin with these, no matter how tempting! :)
Apparently Ginghers are quite the scissors! I used them yesterday and they cut fabric like a hot knife through buttah.

Next, she presented me with my very own rotary cutting system. I've been borrowing hers while working on a Christmas project (which is almost done!!).
Then, while we chatted after dinner, I got to pick out some fabric and she whipped me up a quilted bag before we left. :)
Then yesterday, Laura took me out for lunch after church, just she and I. Steak and lobster. Mmmmmmm.... She's really something else!
AND tonight, my hubby has promised to make me dinner! :) AND tomorrow night my mom & my sister and I embark on our traditional Christmas shopping trip. That will be the most fun of all!!
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