Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Recipe for Fun

While we were in South Dakota for Spring Break, my Aunt Jayne brought homemade play-doh for the little boys to play with. It is a very cool blue color and she said that she made if from a recipe using Kool-Aid. It smells so good!! And she graciously sent some home with Carter and Owen. Carter has always liked play-doh - rolling it out, using cookie cutters to cut it into shapes.

I don't know what it is about this kind of play-doh, but Carter has taken on a whole other imagination with this. He is using cars and trucks, getting them "stuck in the mud" and having to pull them out - using horses!!

He's making up characters and talking for them. It's really pretty fun to watch for a kid who a while ago, did nothing but "chase wild pigs" and "ride buckin' bulls".