Monday, November 1, 2010


Here's a snapshot of our weekend:

Friday - I had the whole day off! Because we had parent/teacher conferences last week, we got a comp day on Friday. Then Friday night, all of our friends got together for a hayrack ride. We got there at 7:00 pm and ate chili and goodies and hopped on the ride around 8:30. It was plenty chilly and windy so everyone was bundled up in coats and blankets. Since it was dark, I didn't take any pictures.

Saturday - We spent the morning at home and then met Jeremy for lunch. After lunch Carter and I took a nap before we went Halloween-ing. Since we are not super-fans, I didn't make a great effort to take fabulous pictures. Here's what I ended up with:

10 minutes into trick-or-treating

20 minutes in

getting ready to go home...

He started off good, was ready to go home at the 20 minute mark and then got a second wind at the 23 1/2 minute mark and didn't want to go home.

I'm glad Halloween is over, but I am still loving fall! I actually did some decorating around the house this year.

Of course it doesn't look like this anymore due to the gale-force winds we've had lately. :)

On the way - my CSN reviews!