Friday, June 5, 2009

Follow Me

In just 4 four weeks, my baby boy will be turning two!  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?  When I think back, there are several things I'd love to hold on to, and some I'm glad to let slip away.  The first one that comes to mind is nights awake with an inconsolable teething baby...  Yeah, not sorry those days have gone by!   But there are MANY more memories of the last two years - follow me and we'll make a few stops down my trip on memory lane!

Thanksgiving 2007

Our "first" family picture

Carter was four months old

Christmas 2007

"The Boys".  Grady,  Carter and Owen.  Owen is the oldest, born in June, Carter was exactly 3 weeks to follow in July, and Grady was here in August.  Imagine my parent's bliss... 3 grandchildren in a single summer!!

If I remember right, Carter (5 months) had just learned to sit up by himself.  Owen had been doing it for a while, so Carter couldn't be left behind... :)

Geiger Christmas 2007

This little darling is Eve - she was born a month after Carter.  She is Jeremy's cousin's daughter and the youngest (so far) of four kids.  Carter loved her when she was little.  I think he might still like her, though.  

Carter was the first of the The Boys to start crawling (6 months) - Lord help me - he hasn't stopped moving since!  It's so hard for me to remember his little Charlie Brown hairdo!  

More of the journey in the coming weeks...