Monday, December 1, 2008

Quick Trip

I know, I know - I still need to put up my pics of Sander's Sale, but I just haven't had time yet...
I thought I would update everyone on our weekend.  Of course we had a great Thanksgiving Day, spending time with Jeremy's side of the family.  Nothing too exciting, but still fun.  On Friday, however, Carter and I had a somewhat interesting day... we got to make a quick trip to the doctor's office to see Grandma Donna.  Why?  As it turns out, Carter had dislocated his left elbow!  Talk about scaring the *&$^ right out of a Mom!  But Dr. Seaton was able to "re"locate it with no problem.   By the way, Friday just happened to be my birthday.  Happy Birthday, Mom!  I enjoyed my trip to Manhattan with Jeremy a little later in the evening much better!  He took me out for Chinese (which he DOES NOT like) and then to a movie.  It was fun to go out on a "date".  Funny, how you kind of forget how that works... :)